
The Books

Already at the soft age of 12 years, Stefan Trost has written his first book. Over the years, many additional books and stories followed this initial work. However, these books were never intended for purchase, reflecting the partly very personal note.

In the meantime, the ideas and experiences have grown and it will not take much time until the first books will be published. At the moment - among other things - a novel and a story about another world within ours extending several volumes is in work.

What's a Good Book?

Up to the official start, this page is used to collect ideas and impressions about the topic books. If you have already thought about this, you can write us. For example, you can tell us what is making a book an unusual and excellent one, which books you love and prefer and which ones not. Perhaps you are even able to tell us the reasons for that.

Simply write to us everything about this topic and what you personally regard as important.


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