
Our Websites

With the following list, we are introducing the variety of our current websites and web communities to you. This composition takes into account only the sites which maturely and officially are already available. Additionally, we are operating some other studies and sites which are still under construction at the moment. As soon as these pages have matured, they will be added to this list.

Answers on AskingBox

On askingbox.com, you can find answers to all aspects of life from topics about computer, fashion, freetime and travel up to economy and science. Ask the community your own questions with or without registration or click trough a variety of already submitted questions, discussions, lists, votings, tips, tutorials, articles, blogs, information, reviews and online tools.

Software and Developer Directory

The website globalsoftwareindex.com is made for software developers as well as people searching for software. Behind lots of search functions like search in categories, search for authors, keyword- and fulltext search, you can also order individual software solutions. Developers can use this site to introduce theirselfs and their software products.

Individual Software Solutions and Freeware

Another big page of Stefan Trost Media is sttmedia.com on which everything concerns the topic software. On the one hand we provide a great supply of high-quality applications, which can be downloaded for free. This division is financed about the donations of the users. On the other hand, Individual Software Solutions can be ordered on this page. These applications are tailored to your needs exactly, both in the Internet area and for example as Windows programs.

Community for Artists (internal)

Our page placeofart.com(Login Data required) is a growing Community for artists and art enthusiastics. The page offers a platform for artists to present their artworks to a worldwide audience, find potential buyers and to start conversations with like-minded. The artists are able to upload, describe and categorize their respective works. Not registered visitors can search in the catalogues, they can enjoy the art and try to buy some of the works they like.


Individual Software

Software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and the Web. According to your needs and desires.

Individual Software

Software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and the Web. According to your needs and desires.


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