
Index Author

Some tasks are circumstantially and monotonously, so that the best choice is to use a computer for them. One of these tasks is to search a whole book or a number of documents for some keywords to make an index. The Index Author finishes this task for you.

There are lots of possible uses for this software. On the one hand there is the classic index, which is a table of contents from many numbered pages in which the individual pages are referred. On the other hand there are also modern thinks, you can do with this software. For example you can create a HTML Index of lots of HTML documents. This HTML Index consists of keywords which are linked to the appropriate documents.

In addition there are lost of other functions integrated in the Index Author. For example you can define rules, which words should be included in the Index. Shall it only be quite particular words, lower-case or upper-case words or are there even other criteria for your index? These are opportunities which the index author offers, but it is also possible to create an index by only one mouse click with the standard settings without customizations.


Do you have questions, troubles or suggestions concerning the Software Index Author?Simply write and tell me! If there are some frequently asked questions, I will answer them here.


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