
Freeware Software

In the following, you can see all freeware products, which are offered by Stefan Trost Media at the moment. On this page, you get a short introduction to the applications, which can be downloaded on the page sttmedia.com, where you also get some further information like screenshots, detailed features and the online help.

If you should have broader ideas for new products which could fit into our product range or suggestions for improvement for our existing software, you are welcome to write a message for us. Any time, we endeaver to develop new products and to make the old ones even better. In addition to our software development, it is also possible to customize one of the existing applications. For example, we can add functions, important for your personal use. Functions that are usefull for all consumers will be added to the software for free. Simply write use.


Examination stress? Don't worry, you have the AskingCoach anyway! The AskingCoach give questions and answers comfortably and provides small statistics about your performances. Tested by students. The questionnaires can be created with the tool itself or you can use one of the lists of questions provided on our homepage.

Clipboard Saver

With the help of this tool, you can change contents of your clipboard on-the-fly, directly after adding something to the clipboard, so that you can immediately work with the changed contents. Images can be saved as image file and scaled, texts can be changed, replaced, manipulated and saved as text file.

Filelist Creator

The Filelist Creator helps you to create lists of your local files or directories easily. The lists can be saved as image, text file or as HTML document and its your choice which information about the files should be written into the list in which grouping.

File Renamer

The File Renamer is a small but powerful tool for file renaming. You can find and replace strings in file names, number files, add strings to the old file name, change the file extensions and many other things.

Image Converter

With the Image Converter, it is possible to work on many image files at the same time easily. Without using a big and difficult graphics program, you can resize images, add watermarks, adjust color values, brightness, contrast and saturation, convert the images in other file formats, draw frames around the images, sharpen or blur images, write arbitrary texts on pictures and lots of other things.

Image Resizer

Great numbers of images can be shrinked or enlarged at the same time in three steps with this tool. You can sacle to an arbitrary pixel size, a file size or percentage.

Index Author

The IndexAuthor writes the index of your book, document or your publication automatically and supports you with many further functions.

MP3 Player

The strength of the MP3 player from Stefan Trost Media is based on its efficiency. This player waives all the things that are superflous for music enjoyment and instead of this, it offers many other possibilities like different search methods (for example searches with regular expressions) to administer and play several hundred thousand songs.


The pipette is used to pick up colors from any part of your screen, to translate and transform colors to color models like CMYK, CMY, TColor, RGB, HSV, XYZ and more and to adjust colors. On this page, you can also get some information about colors, many color charts and lots of explanations.


You have lost the survey of all your fonts? No worry the font printer fixes everything again! You can show installed system fonts and fonts from any directory and how arbitrary characters look like in this font.


Simply make a video of your work on the computer. The ScreenVideoCapture records everything, no matter whether this is a game or the presentation of your new computer program

Slippy Clerk

Write fast and effectively, also in situations, copy and paste deny. For example ascending and descending number sequences! Of course, Unicode characters are supported by this tool.


This tool almost handles with everything about statistics: it begins with simple diagrams to data sets, calculations of mean average values and tests up to the factor analysis.


Do you enjoy playing Sudoku and you are looking for new ones? That is no problem, the STT Sudoku creates them, no matter whether you want to play at the computer or printed on the paper!

Text Converter

With the Text Converter it is possible to work on many text files at the same time. You can replace, delete or insert text passages or lines, you can sort text files or add line numbers, you can join or split text files, convert text files to images, you can use trascriptions or regular expressions and much more.

Text Images

With the tool Text Images, it is possible to create lots of images with texts in your desired font and style. These images can be used, for example, for your homepage, where it is not possible to use every font.

Unit Converter

Over 4500 units from 33 categories as well as arbitrary custom defined units and categories can be transformed with this practical tool in different modes like direct comparison or table view with all available units.


Do you want to enjoy your favourite web pages also offline? The WebSaver saves everything found in the internet - even complete pages - on your computer!


The WordCreator generates coincidental words or even whole texts from syllables which can be weighted with probabilities. No matter whether for passwords or for the name of the principal actor of your next novel. Behind user defined character sources, you can use the character frequencies from 33 languages to create your words.



Freeware Software and individual Software Solutions for you.

Individual Software

Software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and the Web. According to your needs and desires.


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© Stefan Trost Media 2003-2025