
Easy MP3 Player

This MP3 player finds its market gab in its strong efficiency which still is underlined by its simplicity in addition. It does not have any superflous functions as interchangeable skins and instead, it scores with its performance.

Without any problems, this player manages very large collections and no installation is neccessary. A further strength is its extensive and fast paging function which stands alone. So the Easy MP3 player stands its ground despite the large competition with many other suppliers.

For example, it is possible to specify exactly the ID3 tag information like artist, title, year or album that should be searched in. You can search with AND and OR or for a whole word, you can carry out inverse searches and you can work with regular expressions. So, you have lots of possibilitie to get the best overview over you music collection.

More features are the management of arbitrary numbers of playlists and the export function for lists of your audio files. Again, you can adjust which ID3 tag information should be written to the list and whether the list should be exported as text file, image or HTML document.


Do you have questions, troubles or suggestions concerning the Software Easy MP3 Player?Simply write and tell me! If there are some frequently asked questions, I will answer them here.

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The Software Easy MP3 Player and further information you receive on the following pages:


Individual Software

Software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and the Web. According to your needs and desires.

Individual Software

Software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and the Web. According to your needs and desires.


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