
Text Converter

The TextConverter makes it very easy to work on a great number of text files at the same time. For example, it is possible to replace text in lots of files or add a text at a certain position in some files. But you can also join or split files with the TextConverter.

Areas of application are changing or adding contents of web sites, changing some code in software projects and so on. Nearly all people working on text files, can profit from the TextConverter, because it is very easy in use and very fast.

In detail, it is possible to find and replace text (also more than one replacement and multi-line, optional with regular expressions), replace lines with text passages (also more than one line), insert text at special positions (for example at the begin or the end of the file or at a line number), delete text passages (also more than one and multi-line, optional with regular expressions), to delete lines (also more than one), carry out HTML options (for example removing all HTML tags, changing named entities, creating links for web sites or E-Mail adresses and deleting unnecessary characters), add line numbers, sort lines, wrap the text after a special number of characters (or re-wrap wrapped texts) to change the writing of the text (all upper case, all lower case, random order or uppercase beginning) and to use constants (for numbering text files or using the file name within the file) with the TextConverter. But you can also carry out some file operations like joining or splitting files (at a position, at characters or with regular expressions) with this software or you can apply transcriptions or transliterations to files. With this, it is possible to transform a text written in Cyrillic, Hebrew or Greek letters to Latin letters (or vice versa). Eleven writing systems are available, but you can also define your own rules for transcriptions. All of this settings can be saved as profiles, which can be loaded and changed, so that you do not have to enter all of your settings again and again if you are using the same configuration for several times.

All files to be changed can easily be dragged from the explorer to the program, but you can also search folders with a search filter or open files directly. Both, the original file and the new changed file can be displayed side by side in the preview to compare the text files and see the changes without saving and opening the files before. All files can be saved as a normal text file with every file extension or converted as a image (gif, bitmap or jpg). So, it is also possible to write text to images with this software. An application is the publishing of text in web sites, which should not be copied easily, for example.


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