Do you already know the game Sudoku? It is the short form for the Japanese sentence "Suji wa dokushin ni kagiru", what can be translated as "all numbers have to happen exactly once". It is a logic puzzle which resembles the magical squares. The first known Sudoku-like game was developed by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler under the name "Latin Square" in the 18th century. After that there where further variants again and again, but very popular it became in Japan within the 1980s. Meanwhile it enjoys worldwide popularity.
Enough preface. Have you got the desire to play Sudoku? Then you can download the Stefan Trost Sudoku from this page under the topic download. This programme is able to generate all possible Sudokus by chance.
Why should I use the Stefan Trost Sudoku? Of course you can quite play the simply Sudoku game with this programme. You can play Sudoku at your computer or you can print the fields, to do it by hand. But there are some unusual features, however: Perhaps you have already discovered the Highscore on this page. If you have reached enough points, you get a code at the end of the game which encodes your score. Enter this code into the table and compete with other players! In addition the Stefan Trost Sudoku also offers some other features opposite to normal Sudokus. Learn more unter the points rules and download.
The programme may be shared freely and also the Sudokus can be published freely (magazines for example). The only things, you have to do, is not to change the programme an always mention the name "Stefan Trost" and the adress "" in this context. In addition, I would be grateful for informing me about the use. You can simply use the contact form for it. A lot of fun with the game!
We also like to care about the Sudokus in your print media or in the online area. We like to deliver the games in your individual design and in your preferential format. All further information about this topic you can find on
Perhaps you already know the Sudoku rules? Then you can start playing now. But nevertheless there are still some specific rules in the Stefan Trost Sudoku, according to which you can play in addition.
The Sudoku is a game played in nine times nine small fields. The numbers between 1 and 9 can be written down in every field, some numbers are already provided. The aim of the game is to accomplish two goals: First a single number should only be used one time in every line and every column. In addition the field is divided into 9 big boxes depending on 9 small fields. Also in this boxes a single number may happen only once. The boxes are indicated by thick lines.
Of course in the Stefan Trost Sudoku you can play according to the known rules. But you can also play with some features:
You can play on a field which does not habe nine times nine small fields. In this case the maximum value of the possible numbers is restricted by the game section length. For expample, if you play a 7 x 7 Sudoku, you can put the number from 1 to 7 into the fields. This variant is called "free" in the game and can be chosen if you do not like to play a complete Sudoku or you want to practise a little bit.
Another variant uses symbols instead of numbers. The rules are identical here. Every line and every column may not have more than one single symbol.
I wish a lot of fun with the game! If you have some ideas of further variants,let me know!
In the current version, the Stefan Trost Sudoku has the follownig features: Sudokus can both be played at the computer and be printed. The programme offers seven predefined difficulty steps, however, the difficulty can also be adapted freely. Sudoku can be played with numbers, symbols or letters. Altogether, five different sets of symbols and numbers are available. Next to the classical Sudoku, there alse can be played a "fast Sudoku" on a smaller field. Reached points can be send to the worldwide Sudoku Highscore on this page. So you are able to compare your knowledge with other players. The programme always generates new Sudokus by chance. So there is no limited number of games, the programme can produce all possible Sudokus.
This is the official Highscore Table of the Stefan Trost Sudoku, which can also be seen on pages like If you have completed the game successfully, you get a code number and you can put down your name on this table. If you would like to put down your name on this table, you can use the form on the page, you can follow the link within the software or you can use the possibility on this page.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | Points 33193 33185 33172 32594 32565 32293 32026 31724 31605 31225 31019 30969 30624 30436 30046 29504 29436 29381 29178 29105 29055 28999 28906 28709 28703 28675 28569 28363 28286 28235 28228 28226 28215 28134 28040 28038 28035 27907 27883 27854 | Name Sarah Sandra Mahla john john john Key Talos Laura Klein john Key Talos john Anna john Ihsan Hanifa Ihsan Hanifa Ihsan Hanifa john john Wolfgang Wolfgang Anonymer Sudokuspieler john john john john john john Anonymer Sudokuspieler john john Anonymer Sudokuspieler john john ristyanto agus john john john john Wolfgang John john | Date 26.10.2021 22:57 27.02.2018 18:46 06.05.2019 20:50 21.04.2019 23:18 19.01.2019 13:03 30.04.2012 12:47 23.01.2018 22:18 03.01.2019 20:34 30.04.2012 12:36 14.12.2018 20:39 01.02.2012 15:26 14.12.2018 16:55 29.07.2011 04:55 29.07.2011 08:52 29.07.2011 04:01 13.12.2018 21:40 30.05.2011 22:38 04.09.2009 20:02 08.02.2010 12:55 20.07.2009 17:54 12.02.2012 13:46 28.09.2009 21:10 12.11.2012 15:47 15.01.2012 22:59 14.12.2018 14:09 31.05.2011 21:19 05.02.2010 15:20 06.12.2011 23:07 30.10.2018 20:05 03.12.2012 16:35 07.06.2011 18:48 25.05.2009 17:55 28.07.2011 06:58 30.10.2012 23:40 04.06.2011 19:53 05.12.2018 21:42 27.03.2009 21:31 01.02.2010 13:03 01.08.2009 14:43 10.08.2009 09:35 |
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